original way to make money
Nowadays still we have a very big problem in the labor market, as you can see, if you look at the number of people who have a hard time finding a well-paid, yet rewarding job. Undoubtedly, however, can be distinguished so many different professions that everyone should finally find something for themselves. A good example is the stucco, and so unusual interior decoration in all kinds of buildings. Used to this special material, usually resembling plaster. The person dealing with this issue must have extensive knowledge in the area of construction and carving art. It is estimated that still a lot of people will want, apply stucco in your home.
In what industry should be sought their chance for success in business?
Currently, the vast majority of the population is not fully satisfied with their work, which of course is not very positive phenomenon, because professional life is actually just as important as family. Fortunately, people are courageous and determined for this to succeed, they have a good chance of success in their own business. Consider the activities to niche, for example. Stucco, so the plant performing various types of decoration and finishing building materials plaster. This is an area that can not arouses great demand, but it certainly is attractive because of the small number of companies specializing in this field. Even in a big city you can find up such plants.
Types of ceilings
Ceilings are classified according to their appearance or construction. A cathedral ceiling is any tall ceiling area similar to those in a church. A dropped ceiling is one in which the finished surface is constructed anywhere from a few inches or centimetres to several feet or a few metres below the structure above it. This may be done for aesthetic purposes, such as achieving a desirable ceiling height; or practical purposes such as acoustic damping or providing a space for HVAC or piping. An inverse of this would be a raised floor. A concave or barrel-shaped ceiling is curved or rounded upward, usually for visual or acoustical value, while a coffered ceiling is divided into a grid of recessed square or octagonal panels, also called a "lacunar ceiling". A cove ceiling uses a curved plaster transition between wall and ceiling; it is named for cove molding, a molding with a concave curve.1 A stretched ceiling (or stretch ceiling) uses a number of individual panels using material such as PVC fixed to a permieter rail
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceiling