Good and bad printers

o bo jak to - fryzjer bez szyldu i wizytówek, albo sklep c ciuchami bez ulotek? Nie ma opcji To jest po prostu konieczność. Właściwie to określenie gadżety reklamowe jest nomen omen niewłaściwe. Nie chodzi o to, żeby zarzucać klie

 Good and bad printers

Ulotki, wizytówki, szyldy - tak, są potrzebne

Bez gadżetów reklamowych ani rusz. Zwłaszcza, jeśli prowadzisz jakiś sklep, albo oferujesz jakieś usługi "dla ludności". No bo jak to - fryzjer bez szyldu i wizytówek, albo sklep c ciuchami bez ulotek? Nie ma opcji To jest po prostu konieczność. Właściwie to określenie gadżety reklamowe jest nomen omen niewłaściwe. Nie chodzi o to, żeby zarzucać klientów ulotkami, czy wciskać im wizytówki. Dobrze, żeby dać ludziom znać, że tutaj, o tak - właśnie tutaj, jest nowy sklep z fajnymi ciuchami. Albo solarium. Albo sklep z winem. Albo... No, dopiszcie sobie cokolwiek.

Intuitive home printers

Comfortable and easy to use home printers usually have small dimensions and can be moved by themselves. This is very important because this type of printing device is very often used by women and young people who would not be able to carry heavy printers on their own. Just using them is not a problem for them, because home printers are designed in such a way that they are fully intuitive and work perfectly with computers and laptops. Their service is therefore a real pleasure and allows you to prepare various types of tasks and statements, as well as reports and speeches. All this makes it really worth having small printers at home.

Company Business Card

A small card with company data, and so many possibilities ... Business cards in Poland even 5-10 years ago were associated with white cartons, overloaded information. For this they were poorly made, and their design was calling for vengeance to heaven.

Today, companies with white-card business cards are still meeting, but fortunately there are more and more companies focusing on modernity.

So what should include such a modern business card - first of all a logotype, clearly visible, preferably not neighboring with any other element. A phone number is not necessary at all and a lot depends on the industry. Recently, the address of the site is more and more often used instead. Modern business card puts on minimalism and simplicity - what my opinion makes a much better better impression than the old type of business cards.