Repair agricultural vehicles
While working in the country are used for a variety of motor vehicles, from ordinary cars to large combines. In view of the common agricultural vehicles sold cheap motor oils suitable for use in such devices, which must primarily operate smoothly, but also their owners depend on that to serve them as long as possible. Simple repair of agricultural vehicles can be made by their owners, and it is the most practical way to restore the ability of such vehicles to carry out their work at a time when farmers do not wish for too long lose access to their machines. Sometimes, however, they happen in these larger faults that need to be repaired in the service dealing with agricultural machinery.
How to equip the garage?
Assuming own garage you have to spend a lot of time certainly on his right equipment. Of course, a certain limitation is the size of the building in which that undertaking is situated - sometimes there can be mounted only car jack, but the channel you can no longer afford. Ordered tools, professional equipment, and above all the cleanliness is something that can encourage potential clients to use our services. After all, it is the first impression, especially if the business idea of this type is new and we have not yet earned reputation.
The oil then drips
In the crankcase of a vehicle engine, motor oil lubricates rotating or sliding surfaces between the crankshaft journal bearings (main bearings and big-end bearings), and rods connecting the pistons to the crankshaft. The oil collects in an oil pan, or sump, at the bottom of the crankcase. In some small engines such as lawn mower engines, dippers on the bottoms of connecting rods dip into the oil at the bottom and splash it around the crankcase as needed to lubricate parts inside. In modern vehicle engines, the oil pump takes oil from the oil pan and sends it through the oil filter into oil galleries, from which the oil lubricates the main bearings holding the crankshaft up at the main journals and camshaft bearings operating the valves. In typical modern vehicles, oil pressure-fed from the oil galleries to the main bearings enters holes in the main journals of the crankshaft. From these holes in the main journals, the oil moves through passageways inside the crankshaft to exit holes in the rod journals to lubricate the rod bearings and connecting rods. Some simpler designs relied on these rapidly moving parts to splash and lubricate the contacting surfaces between the piston rings and interior surfaces of the cylinders. However, in modern designs, there are also passageways through the rods which carry oil from the rod bearings to the rod-piston connections and lubricate the contacting surfaces between the piston rings and interior surfaces of the cylinders. This oil film also serves as a seal between the piston rings and cylinder walls to separate the combustion chamber in the cylinder head from the crankcase. The oil then drips back down into the oil pan.45
Motor oil may also serve as a cooling agent. In some constructions oil is sprayed through a nozzle inside the crankcase onto the piston to provide cooling of specific parts that undergo high temperature strain. On the other hand, the thermal capacity of the oil pool has to be filled, i.e. the oil has to reach its designed temperature range before it can protect the engine under high load. This typically takes longer than heating the main cooling agent ? water or mixtures thereof ? up to its operating temperature. In order to inform the driver about the oil temperature, some older and most high performance or racing engines feature an oil thermometer.
Due to its high viscosity, motor oil is not always the preferred oil for certain applications. Some applications make use of lighter products such as WD-40, when a lighter oil is desired, or honing oil if the desired viscosity needs to be mid-range.6
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_oil